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Lean Six Sigma Tools and Templates

Please feel free to access the available resources to help you in your Lean Six Sigma journey.  More resources are added regularly.

White Belt

OSI presented a White-Belt level Lean Six Sigma session for Process Palooza 2020.  This session provides a high-level introduction to the methodology and terminology of LSS. Watch the video and/or download the  White Belt Slides

Lean Six Sigma Overview

This one-page handout captures several high-level concepts in LSS.  Lean Six Sigma Overview Handout

Spaghetti Diagram

Use the Spaghetti Diagram to capture excess motion in a process.  Spaghetti Diagram Template

Value Stream Map

Explore your linear process from end-to-end in a Kaizen with your subject matter experts, leveraging this Value Stream Map.  Once created, the team can review the VSM for Value Add or Non-Value Add activities, and potential areas of waste or variation.  Value Stream Map Template

Ishikawa Diagram

Explore potential root causes and discuss countermeasures by using this Ishikawa diagram, and practicing the "5-Why's"  Ishikawa Template

Process Charter

Begin your project with a strong charter document, which will help prevent "scope creep."  Process Charter Template


A great place to start defining your process is by using the SIPOC to capture your Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customer information.  SIPOC Template

Tick Chart

Capture defect observations using a Tick Chart, which can be especially useful if there methods for digital tracking available.  Tick Chart Template